Saturday, August 31, 2019

English Research Paper Social Change

The idea of social change is something that I would say, deep down, scares us all. When looking at two stories in particular you can see an evolution over the years. Saying this I wonder when you do look very closely at â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† by George Orwell how much you will find alike, but also how much you will find different based on the time period in which they were written. Social Change is not something that’s easy for some people.However, it normally takes place over a time frame of years, therefore making it harder to notice when it is actually taking place. In today’s world, researchers and scientist have even been able to come up with ways in which they believe social change is taking place and can be predicted to an extent. â€Å"The Lottery† took place back in 1948, which is when it was written. Needless to say a lot of the social trends and social norms they had back then are not easily compared with the values of today’s society.What we call socially acceptable today is vastly different than what was acceptable in the 40’s. The values of society then were much more conservative. Today if I were to walk in on a social event like the lottery, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, I bet I would be the one selected to get stoned on the spot. Those days’s it was only acceptable for men to wear long pants and maybe a t-shirt. As the back ground of â€Å"The Lottery† is reveled, you are given more information on the social traditions of their fictional society.It makes you wonder if this is actually something that ever took place in history, or if it was something inspired by the culture of the 1940’s. Today we think of a lottery as being something were you have the chance to win money, but this story shows how different lotteries were then. In this story the author portrays â€Å"The Lottery† as an event were the entire village is gathe red in the courtyard to draw a piece of paper out of a hat. If you were lucky enough to choose the piece of paper out of the hat with a large black dot on it, then you were not the winning a prize.The person who draws the black dot gots stoned to death. During the 1940’s World War Two was taking place. It makes me wonder why the author, Shirley Jackson, wrote a story about people coming together to decide who gets stoned to death (â€Å"America’s†). The activities of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s in Germany and the persecution of the Jewish community could have influenced the story line. Considering the story is about a community assembling and deciding at random who gets to die, World War II would be a fitting influence for the author. Shooting an Elephant† has a lot of similar social problems that â€Å"The Lottery† had, but in a very different context. The elements of peer pressure and social acceptance come out in the story. Both issues are still important in today’s society.This is based on my interpretation of the story, realizing how social change is an important part of evolution. The end of the story speaks volumes about why the young man shoots the elephant. The animal was no longer being destructive or harmful. He shot the elephant because people wanted him to. I often wonder whether any of the others grasped that I had done is solely to avoid looking a fool† is the last line from the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†. This is further evidence that the elephant’s death was a result of social pressures. Since there were two thousand people standing behind him, waiting on him to make a move, he thought he would look like a coward if he didn’t shoot it. The villagers wanted the elephant shot for it’s meat, not just because it was running through their village. It is safe to say that social pressures were major in this time period.The story actually takes place in 1936, when it was published. You can see that â€Å"the Lottery† and â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† take place around the same time period. The setting of the story is different, however, because it takes place in Europe, just outside of a small town called Burma. The social values are similar in each story, despite them taking place so far apart. In â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†, the elephant actually gets lose from its owner and goes on what is called a â€Å"must† (also known as a rampage).It is my understandings from the story that after elephants have been confined or locked up, they have built up energy that they must get rid of. This is why when the elephant gets lose, or brakes free from its chain, it goes through the village stomping people and tearing through the huts, knocking them down. However, the villagers never give a clear answer as to where the animal was eventually tracked down. Once the man asks for a rifle to kill the elephant, the people are follow ing him to see what happens. They do this out of greed, more than curiosity. They each want dibs on the best parts of elephant meat.This is an example of one form of social change, because in today’s world we can go to the market and get whatever it may be that we need. During the twenty first century, I cannot think of a time that humans in the developed world had to fight other humans in order for survival. Due to the fact, that back in the 1940’s you had to find your own food as it became available. Social change is something that is required for us to evolve as a human race. I believe that point is made clear based on the examples given in these two stories that took place back in the 1940’s.A great way to describe social change is by its definition: â€Å"structural transformation of political, social and economic systems and institutions to create a more equitable and just society (â€Å"What†). † If you pay attention to the part of this defi nition that says â€Å"equitable and just society† then you have more insight to â€Å"The Lottery† (â€Å"What†). All of the towns people may have believed that their form of â€Å"equal and just society†, of drawing from a hat to decide as to whom gets to die, is only way to make it fair. By doing this there could potentially be less acts of random violence.Social control can go hand in hand with social change. Various countries and religions have their own forms of social control. For instance, all Muslim women have to keep their faces covered when in public, and most European countries require you to have your government issued identification cards on you at all times. â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† provides some opposite examples to the definition given above. The village were the elephant was running rampant has political implications behind it. In social change you have the â€Å"transformation of politics† (â€Å"What†).This is t he number one force behind social change a lot of time. To be an elephant owner back in that time period you had to be some form of higher social class. The man working for him is the one that tracks down and ends up killing the animal. He states in the story how he does not want to kill the animal, but felt as if he had to in order to survive himself from the pressure of the villagers. With two thousand people behind you, with their knifes ready to start prying the meat from the carcass of the elephant, you are more likely to chose what will pay off for you in the long run.Instead of waiting on the owner of the elephant to decide what to do when he was confined in the field, he decides to shoot him. Coming down to the fact of did he do what was best for the people? Or did he do it to raise his own political standing with them? Leadership is the number one role when it comes to the social model. Looking at the story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†, and comparing it to the social change model, you can see the motive behind the man’s role as he takes a leadership position (â€Å"What†). Leadership is socially responsible, it impacts change on behalf of others† almost describes the actions taken during the time when the villagers are seeking the animal (â€Å"What†). The main epicenter of social change is just that, change. Directly in the center of the social change model you will see the word change with different leadership roles surrounding it. Secondly, you can see the same similar behavior from the mayor of the town where â€Å"The Lottery† took place. Enforcing the rules of such an event that takes place once a year, but is sought after to be an endless tradition, is not an easy task.Being the official, the mayor takes on the leadership role, also, not to mention the leadership role he is already in by the position he holds as mayor of the town. To keep the integrity of the lottery there are multiple rules in place to i nsure that it is fair for everyone involved. However, the major part of the social change model that does not fit is the change (Ryder). Any time in the story a villager brought up the fact that they thought the lottery should not continue, the mayor was out raged and spoke up to inform them that it must continue because it was a tradition.Social trends take place as a natural evolution over time, but it requires change in order for it to happen. Without the prospect of change nothing will ever evolve, leaving the villagers to repeat the same destiny year after year. Both Stories have their pros and cons, but there are two different form of social change taking place. The first story â€Å"The Lottery† is dealing with the aspect of leadership and how that leadership affects people of that community.Second, â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† deals more with the issue of pressure and influences from your surroundings. Both however come down to one main topic, and that is change . In Conclusion, social change and evolution is not something that is easy to process sometimes. You can clearly see by these two stories that evolution is self evident during the time of the 1940’s, by comparing the said evolution to recent items such as the social change model you can relate to the methods behind actions that were taken by characters in the stories.Social trend are not something that is easy to break away from. However, you can tell during â€Å"The Lottery† that there are people who are will to accept change and speak out for it! Without change we, as a society, do not have an option of social evolution for the better. With the understanding that change is not always for the better, bad change is what also helps us develop and learn from what we may call bad change at the time.

Friday, August 30, 2019

United Kingdom – group of countries

The United Kingdom is a developed country with a national wealth of 1 1. 73 trillion CAD and a national GDP of 2. 435trillion USD. In 2010, the average wage in the UK for all Jobs was E20,801 (34,113. 64 CAD). The literacy rate within the UK is 99%. The United Kingdom is in stage 4 of the demographic transition model because it has a low birth rate and a low death rate.With a dependency mong youth of 27. 1% and a 26. 9%% dependency ratio with the elderly, the I-JK badly needs the funding to support the elderly and youth as many are not working. The population within the United Kingdom continues to rise with 12. 26 births per 1000 people of the population, and a death rate of 9. 33deaths per 1000 people of the population. This works out to a natural increase rate of 0. 55%. Life expectancy in the UK is 80. 29 years with an infant mortality rate of 4. 5 deaths/ 1000 live births. The UK is a world power and needs the funding to stay that way.The United Kingdom igration rate is currently decreasing from recent years, with less people migrating to the country. However, net migration has increased from September to December of 2012, this new data suggests that the decline seen in net migration has not continued as first thought in June of 2011. 51 5,000 people immigrated to the I-JK in the year ending in June 2012, which is significantly lower than the 589,000 who migrated the previous year. 352,000 emigrants left the I-JK in the same time span. 197,000 migrants arrived to study in the year to June 2012, which is significantly lower than 239,000 in the previous year.Study remains the most common reason stated for migrating to the I-JK. As the data shows, more people are immigrating to the UK than leaving. Already the population is climbing within the United Kingdom based on natural increase and now we have an increased amount of immigrants. It makes for one heavily populated country with many issues on its hands. The United Kingdom has a population that continues to grow at a rapid pace, especially with the elderly. This country needs the funding in order to support the elderly as well as the rapid population increase. 10 million people in the I-JK are over 5 years old.Recent projections are for 5h million more elderly people in 20 years' time and that number is projected to nearly double to around 19 million by 2050. The very old are growing even faster. â€Å"There are currently three million people aged more than 80 years and this is projected to almost double by 2030 and reach eight million by 2050. While one-in-six of the I-JK population is currently aged 65 and over, by 2050 one in-four will be. In 2008 there were 3. 2 people of working age for every person of pensionable age. This ratio is projected to fall to 2. 8 by 2033. † -United KingdomGovernment EIOO billion is spent on people over the working age, which is equal to one-seventh of public expenditure. With the elderly population on the rise, along with more immigrants coming to the United Kingdom, this global power needs the tunding in order to support them. A rising dependency ratio and increasing population can result in disaster for any country. Therefore in order to stop that epidemic, the I-JK needs the funding to offer more schooling opportunities for women. It has been proven that women who stay in school longer are likely to have less children than an uneducated woman.The funding would also go to providing pensions to the elderly. As well as helping immigrants migrate to the I-JK. However these are only short term solutions to this problem. With the population expected to reach 70million by 2021, the government of the I-JK needs to take a look at the land it has available and start thinking about the growing population when it comes to the environment, architecture and designing cities. One solution to the land issue is to build up instead of sideways. If you can build an apartment building instead of a one-story house, doesn't it make sense to do so?You can fit a lot more people in the partment building than the house and it takes up the same amount of land. The United Kingdom has a high standard of living as it ranks among the top countries in the world in several categories. In the United Kingdom, the average household disposable income is 26 904 USD a year. However, there is a considerable gap between the richest and poorest – the top 20% of the population earn nearly six times as much as the bottom 20%. In relation to employment, 70% of people aged 15-64 have a paid Job, with 76% of men and 65% women working.Having a good education is an important requisite for finding a Job. In the United Kingdom, 75% of adults aged 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school degree. Life expectancy in the country is 81 years, 83 for women and 79 for men. The United Kingdom does very well in terms of terms of water quality with 97% of people saying they are satisfied with the quality of their water. In general, people in the United Kingdom are more satisfied with their lives than many other countries. Living in satisfactory housing conditions is one of the most important aspects of people's lives.Housing is an essential basic need however it should not Just be four walls and a roof. Housing should offer a place to sleep and rest where people feel safe and have privacy and personal space; somewhere they can raise a family. All of these elements help make a house a home. Although these elements make take the back seat to cost. Cost is key when it comes to buying a house. In the I-JK people spend on average 22% of their disposable income in order to keep a roof above their heads. 89% of occupants within the country say they are satisfied with their current housing situation.In the United Kingdom, the average home contains 1. 8 rooms per person and in terms of basic facilities, 99. % of people in the United Kingdom live in dwellings with private access to an indoor flushing toilet. The United Kingdom p rovides more than adequate housing, this contributes to the high standard of living. Finding a Job can be extremely difficult in todays economy, anywhere you go. However it is almost impossible to survive without one, unless you have a massive inheritance. Therefore, Job security and getting a Job directly contribute to standard of living.In the United Kingdom, more than 70% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 have a paid Job. Young people in the United Kingdom, aged 15-24, face more ifficulties than most countries with an unemployment rate of 20. 0%. Unfortunately, 2 6% ot the labor torce nave been unemployed tor a year or longer. Workers in the United Kingdom rank near the top of the world based on earnings. The I-JK is full of job opportunities and these opportunities contribute to the high standard of living within the country. England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales each have their own systems of private and publicly funded healthcare.Each country having different policies and priorities has resulted in a number of differences between the systems. Each country provides public healthcare to all I-JK permanent residents that is free at the time of need, paid for from general taxation. In addition, each also has a private healthcare sector which is considerably smaller than the public sector. Population growth can drastically affect the United Kingdom's standard of living. Population growth normally negatively impacts a countrys standard of living because there is more competition for resources.University/college spots will be a lot harder to get and the cost for these institutions are likely to go up as the space they have is finite and they will have more applicants than before. Job competition will increase quickly as people need a source of income to live within the country. The biggest issue with an increased population is the land space available. More homes and buildings will be need to be built to accommodate the increased population. A s available land space begins to become scarce, the cost of the land will become increasingly expensive.As a result, housing and buildings will become more expensive. This can result in a higher level of poverty and a weaker economy. With an increased cost of housing, more and more people will have less disposable income and therefore businesses will hurt. Population growth in a developed country can affect the standard of living in a big way. Poverty can affect anyone but it affects the following 6 groups the most. Family breakdown, education failure, economic dependency, not working, addiction and serious personal debt. Family breakdown can be a divorce, fighting or even Just a misunderstanding.However, children who experience a broken family are more likely to fail school than someone who has a cohesive family. Someone who fails school is less likely to get a Job and therefore be dependent on the government to survive. After this happens addiction may set in as a result of not av ing a Job or purpose in life. Once addiction sets in, serious personal debt can arise as a result of not working yet needing money to feed the addiction. This is a viscous cycle that can start at any point and send someone into poverty. Financial aid will greatly help these people, as the money could go to funding schools in impoverished areas.The aid could also go to addiction programs or creating more job opportunities. Anything to help break this cycle will help decrease the number of people living in poverty. Some current economic problems in the United Kingdom are in the construction and manufacturing industries. Industrial output is now at its lowest level since May 1992 and manufacturing is 20% down on its peak. The Office for National Statistics found most areas of manufacturing were on the slide, with chemical production and wood and paper manufacture leading the downturn. † -The Guardian. Construction outside the capital is dead.Commercial building, a staple to most large firms has never recovered from the financial crisis. Civil engineering has suffered from a lack of infrastructure improvements after a near-E30bn cut in public investment spending. A solution to these problems is to attempt to lure big usinesses into the I-JK and get them to develop areas. However, this may not work, theretore i t the government ot the United Kingdom received the aid money trom Population Probe it could be put to reviving these industries and hopefully making them self-sufficient. Money is one possible solution to reviving these industries.In 50 years' time, the United Kingdom will have a few major concerns in relation to population size. The population of the United Kingdom is expected to reach 70 million by 2021, this can be a huge factor going into the future because the UK is not the biggest country in the world. It will eventually run out of space and resources for the population. An extraordinary amount of money will be needed to keep the economy afloat and keep a high standard of living. Although the standard of living, should drop as housing costs more and more, along with the larger amount of people in the country.Based on the population pyramid the birth rate appears to be declining, if it drops below the death rate in the future, the population of the UK will drop and then a shortage of working age people will result. Especially since the net migration rate has been declining in recent years. However there is a positive to this, there will be less competition in the country. More Jobs will be available and along with other resources. As a result, these items will be easier to acquire, is that a good thing? Will people try as hard as they would if there was more competition?Will everything be done at 80% efficiency because they know they could get another Job with ease? That is the main concern with a birth rate going below the death rate or in other words reaching stage 5 on the demographic transition model. There is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the future of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom needs money both now and in the future in order to remain a stable country. With a rapidly growing population, especially among the elderly the money, if received today would be used for schooling women, and paying the pensions of the elderly.It has been proven that women who stay in school long have less children than women who do not have post-secondary education. That should help control the growing population. Since net migration to the I-JK has been down in recent years, if the rate of natural increase remains moderate/low, the I-JK should not have to worry about a huge increase in population. Due to the high dependency ratio, the working class cannot cover the pensions of the elderly, therefore government funding would help with that.This would help with the short term problems in the UK but that money will eventually run out. Then the long term crisis on our hands. Hopefully the growing populati on has slowed down but if it has not then building new homes, cities and public transit will be key. Since the amount of land in the country is finite, the money will go towards new ideas of maximizing our land space to allow more people to live within the I-JK. Money is constantly needed in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom desperately needs the funding in order to build for the future and stay afloat during present times. m

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Ponyboy Changes Throughht the Outsiders Essay

I hereby give my consent to have an athletic trainer, coach, team manager, emergency medical technician, nurse, medical treatment facility, and/or doctor of medicine or dentistry or associated personnel provide the applicant/participant with medical assistance and/or treatment and agree to be financially responsible for the cost of such assistance and/or treatment. I understand treatment for injury will be based on information provided herein. I hereby authorize emergency transportation of the applicant/participant to a medical treatment facility should an individual listed above consider it to be warranted. I recognize the possibility of physical injury associated with soccer, and hereby release, discharge, and otherwise indemnify the club, US Club Soccer, their sponsors, the USSF and its affiliated organizations, and the employees and associated personnel of these organizations, against any claim by or on behalf of the soccer player named above as a result of that player’s participation in US Club Soccer programs and/or being transported to or from the same, which transportation.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Symbolism in The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King Essay

Symbolism in The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King - Essay Example Mostly fairytales apart from the original story have to tell the other stories as well. The writers of the fairytales use some symbols to take the simple narrative to a higher level where it unravels some cosmic realities. Symbol is something which stands for something else. Generally concrete objects are used as symbols to conceptualize the abstractions. Symbols are born out of the connotative meanings of the words and are used by the skilled writers to highlight the abstract concepts. The novel The Eyes of Dragon, though apparently a fairytale, employs certain symbols and involves archetypal characters like Flagg (the incarnate evil: the offspring of the infernal serpent). The very age of Flagg suggests that he is more than a human character. The timelessness he enjoys makes him a symbolic character. Peter represents the archetypal innocent hero always beguiled by a near one (Thomas). Archetypes are actually the symbols that recur in literary depiction and are the offspring of huma n unconscious. Northrop Frye () and Jung contend that human unconscious has a stock of images or symbols that are shared by all and have some sort of cosmic significance. The symbol of Eyes of the dragon is a stock symbol used traditionally to distinguish between good and evil. Koch (2003) declares that The Symbol of Dragon’s Eye belongs to ancient Germanic tradition. ... It also stands for balance of power, love and wisdom. In King’s novel it relates to the mystery and also acts as the crystal ball through which u can see the see the truth. Thomas sees Flagg poisoning his father through Eyes of dragon. Thomas heeded Flagg's advice not to go often, but he did use the passageway from time to time, and peeked at his father through the glass eyes of Niner-peeked into a world where everything became greeny-gold. Going away later with a pounding headache (as he almost always did), he would think:Your head aches because you were seeing the way dragons must see the world-as if everything was dried out and ready to burn ( King , p. 78). The animals in the Novel (their symbolic significance) The animals in the novel have symbolic significance. The animal kingdom is represented in many instances from dogs to dragons and all of them have symbolic significance. Animals can be divided in to two groups: one belonging to evil and other belonging to good. Anim als related to Flagg are the harbingers of evil and destruction while animal of the good group represent faithfulness. Frisky represents the archetypal guide soothsayer who brings the protagonists to their required destination. According to Michael Peebles (n.d.) animals related to Flagg are the symbols of his evil designs for the kingdom. He means corruption to the Kingdom and the animals are the instruments that bring this corruption. The dragon is on such example and another example is the hawk.† Frisky The dog is the cosmic symbol of faithfulness and in Christianity takes the role of guide. Frisky, with his noble nose helps in locating the exact place where Dennis, son of Brandon has gone to from Peyna’s farmhouse. The Dragon

Film analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Film analysis - Essay Example presents this plot in pre-World War II California, with a drifter named Frank Chambers as the lover, Cora Smith-Papadakis as the scheming wife, and Nick â€Å"Greek† Papadakis as the unsuspecting husband; and a controversial Chinese motion picture directed by Zhang Yimou and Yang Fengliang with the title Ju Dou (1990), having early 1900’s rural China as its setting with Tianqing as the lover and Ju Dou as the wife of a ruthless textile mill owner Jinshan, Tianqing’s adoptive uncle. The concept of a cheating wife getting rid of the husband and living with her lover for the rest of their lives is what makes the two stories similar, however major differences with the genre, the settings, and the context as well as the cultural background and character motivations are factors that separate the two stories from each other. The settings in both stories show that the husband and wife work together to earn their living. Nick and Cora operate a roadside sandwich joint (Cain Chap. 1 p.3), and similarly Jinshan and Ju Dou work together in running a large textile mill in a rural village (Ju Dou). Another similarity with the two pairs is that both women got married to a man they do not love, and must work each day despite not being happy with their lives. What sets the two stories apart is that in the case of the western couple, Cora seems to have enough guts and confidence to assert herself and that her husband does not control her too freely, while in the eastern couple Ju Dou is entirely submissive to her husband Jinshan and always gets beatings from him nearly each night since she cannot give him a son. She is also gets verbal abuse each day due to this dilemma, even if in reality Jinshan was really the barren one due to having a good deal of wives unable to bear him any children (Ju Dou). Being unable to take any more of her husband’s beating, as well as slowly being attracted to her adopted nephew Tianqing who treats her well despite having awkward and silent

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Multimedia Networking VoIP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Multimedia Networking VoIP - Essay Example From the Stone Age till the modern era, man has practically swirling the entire world around him, (not moving himself).(Seiver,2007) Since the break of dawn on the twenty-first century, technology has been man’s new mantra. He thinks it and breathes it. Every set of goals is judged by technology. Technology is one of man’s greatest weapons. Many fear it, whereas many caress it. Some use it abominably whereas some require it as a necessity. In this day, technology zooms and buzzes around our heads, making us â€Å"King of the mountain†. Many of our lives are in luxury because technology blesses us with its presence in our homes and offices and other business fields. It all started with a pair of wool or skins of the cattle. From that it went into an inferno of light and electricity. Then the telephone was the next. And from this point our topic starts.(McKenna,2009) Telephone and its uses are common to all. This device was used for the purpose of talking to family , friends and other loved ones. This was further worked on until it was transformed into a teeny tiny device, known as â€Å"Cellular phone†.(Dodd,2010) The discovery of â€Å"Internet†- A blessing in disguise or another hidden horror- caused a whirlpool to sweep the public of its feet. Internet and phone combined to give off, God knows, millions of new deices like IP-PBX, (Internet Protocol –Private Branch Exchange). ... The joining of external phone lines helps in accommodating more users in a quicker and effective way. The IP PBX serves somewhere between the VoIP user and the more traditional user or sometimes between 2 local users similar to how a normal PBX works. The IP PBX works together with the voice signals through the IP, adding considerable advantages of the IP telephony to this particular system. The IP PBX can work both as a physical system as well as a virtual system. The physical system joins cards with FXO/FXS ports to work, while the virtual system is known as more of a software solution and it also works with soft phones and VoIP gateways,(Holden,2009) thus lowering the overall cost without compromising over the call quality. Complete functions of a traditional PBX are carried out by the IP PBX with additional special and advanced functions that are only possible via the IP system. The most notable advantage of the IP PBX is its flexibility and easy compatibility. The system is â₠¬Å"redundant†; this basically means in a way it has a backward compatibility. The latest systems use the old TDM technology which has the advanced messaging platform. This allows the system to have more advanced functions like voicemail, conferencing, call forwarding etc.(Wellingford,2005) The system proves to be very flexible as moving of the system or addition of new users can be done very easily. There are two major types of the IP PBX; the one which is hosted and the non hosted IP PBX. The hosted IP PBX implies that only basic VoIP accessories are required by the actual company and the main equipment is hosted by a separate company. The hosted system means we just have to

Monday, August 26, 2019

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation - Essay Example air in a single breath is known as the "tidal volume." Conventional ventilators can have a harmful effect on infants because normal tidal volumes may overstretch the lungs. HFOV is a highly effective alternative, which uses high frequency (10 - 15 breaths per second) and smaller tidal volumes, which reduces the risk of lung damage. The development of the positive pressure mechanical ventilator in the 1950s marked a significant achievement in the care of patients with respiratory failure, and was a cornerstone in the establishment of the discipline of critical care medicine. Since then, although mechanical ventilation is often life saving, it can also be injurious, especially in patients suffering from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is the prototypical disease of abnormal lung compliance, causing respiratory failure in both children and adults. ARDS refers to the syndrome of lung injury characterized by dyspnea, severe hypoxemia, decreased lung compliance, and diffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates (Udobi & Childs, 1). It can also result in refractory hypoxemia, which can often stimulate attempting nonconventional ventilation strategies such as using nitric oxide, recruitment maneuvers, or prone positioning. High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation (HFOV) has emerged as one such rescue strategy for patients with ARDS. Moreover, given that it appears to injure the lung less than conventional modes of ventilation, it may also be ideally suited to use early in ARDS. HFOV utilizes oscillations generated by a piston pump or a diaphragm oscillator driven by a motor. It produces a sinusoidal or somewhat erratic pressure waveform that gives the expiratory phase its unique active characteristic. This component is created by the backward movement of the diaphragm or piston of the oscillator. A constant distending airway pressure is applied, over which small tidal volumes are superimposed at a high respiratory frequency (Bouchat, Godard and Claris,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Analysis of Circuit City Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis of Circuit City - Case Study Example I do not think that Circuit City performed poorly merely as a result of the replacement of highly paid workers with poorly paid workers. Stating that the organization’s performance was pegged on employee pay is too simplistic. Figure 1 and Figure 2 below are used to support this argument. Figure 1 shows that as Circuit City’s stock prices increase, customer satisfaction (ASCI index) decreases and vice versa. Assuming stock prices truly represent the financial performance of the organization, and also that there is a correlation between worker pay and customer satisfaction, interpreting Figure 1, one could argue that Circuit City gets higher returns when customer satisfaction is low. In this case, we would expect Circuit City to have performed better with the poorly paid workers who offered poor service. On the other hand, Figure 2 shows that the only time stock price increase/decrease corresponded with a similar increase/decrease in customer satisfaction (ASCI index) wa s between 2006 and 2007. This Figure shows no correlation between stock price and customer satisfaction. Best Buy and Circuit City are in the same industry thus we would have expected their graphs of similar variables to display the similar correlation between stock price and ASCI index unless there are other factors affecting the curves. For this reason, we find it inconclusive to state that the replacement of highly paid workers with lower-paid workers did or did not cause Circuit city to perform so poorly.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Book report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Book report - Essay Example He attended Canterbury school in New Milford for his 8th grade. In 1931, JFK acquired appendectomy that made him withdraw from school in order to recuperate. In June 1935, JFK graduated from Choate regardless of numerous health challenges (Caro 78). In 1935, he made his first trip in the Diaspora together with family members. The destination was London. The main intent was to study economics at the London school of economics. In September 1936, JFK joined Harvard College where he was an active entertainer. He produced a cast of radio personalities. He was also a sportsman in relation to football, golf and swimming. Later on, he became serious with his studies whereby he completed his thesis, ‘Appeasement in Munich’. The thesis was about Britain’s participation in the famous Munich Agreement. He graduated the same year with a Bachelor of Science honours in international affairs. JFK was the 35th president of USA. He served from January 1961 to 1963 following his assassination. He served as commander in the military commanding motor torpedo boats used during the world war two. He took part in the war at south pacific. JFK also represented Massachusetts 11th congressional district in United States House of Representatives. This was between the periods 1947 to 1953. He did this as a democrat. From the year 1953 to 1953, JFK served in the senate of the United States. This was followed by a win over his rival Richard Nixon in the United States general election of 1960. JFK notable achievement was that he was at that time in history the youngest president at the age of 43. This was after President Theodore Roosevelt. Another notable thing about JFK was that he was the first president to attain office being born in the 2oth century. It is also noted that he is the only president who was a roman catholic. JFK also won a Pulitzer Prize, which was among his great achievements. JFK also had an impact to American history due to the many events that characterized

Friday, August 23, 2019

Business proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Business proposal - Assignment Example The company records low unit sales and lags behind Volkswagen AG and BMW in China. The stiff competition has to overall underperformance in China. The aim of this proposal is to look at the challenge facing the company and how they can be solved. It targets prospective investors and luxury automobile dealers who are willing to explore business opportunities in order to meet their goals. The audience needs to be concerned because any threat to the downfall of the Mercedes-Benz will affect them. Because the Mercedes-Benz defines class, prestige and luxury, its fall in the market will translate to lose of status and class and profit to the targeted audience. In order to Increase Unit sales and beat the stiff competition, Mercedes-Benz should first carry out research on consumer tastes and preferences to establish their needs. The findings will lead to the second solution of investing on new models. Adjusting its organization structure to be more flexible is yet another solution to the p roblem. A flexible structure ought to be established because it supports quick decision making and newer models will lead to increased market share hence beating the competition. The proposal also gives a solution of developing a cohesive strategy of targeting areas that highly populated with high class persons. Such audience have the capacity of buying the Mercedes-Benz which is likely to boost its sales. Despite having achieved high record sales of 1.46 million cars globally last year, the Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz car faces a lot of stiff competition from the Germany rivals and small cars who are still leading in terms of profitability, unit sales and appeal especially to the younger generation (Acquisdata snapshot 50). The major root of the challenge facing the Mercedes-Benz stems from the China market where it records under-performance. The China market is a vital market to pay attention to because it of its high

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Building Blocks of Life Worksheet Essay Example for Free

The Building Blocks of Life Worksheet Essay Part 1: Mitosis and Meiosis Short-Answer Response Use Ch. 5 of BioInquiry and the â€Å"Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis† video as resources for Part 1 of this assignment. Write 75- to 100-word answers to the following questions. Why are the process of mitosis and meiosis both important to a living organism? Mitosis is the process of asexual reproduction of cells. This process is important in order for living organisms to continue to live. If mitosis didn’t happen the living organisms would die when the original cells died off rather than the original cells making new cells that are exactly the same. Meiosis is the process of sexual reproduction where gametes are produced. This is the process of offspring being made. Animals, humans, and other forms of life that reproduce by meiosis would become extinct without meiosis. When would an organism need to undergo the process of mitosis? Meiosis? Mitosis is the process an organism would undergo to reproduce the cells needed to live such as any cell that makes replicas of itself in order to continue to live or to repair itself. Meiosis is the process that is required to reproduce offspring. In order for there to continue to be life forms on earth meiosis is important to continue the cycle of life. Both processes of cell production are important. They work differently but has similarities. They are both just important in the cycle of life. What would happen if meiosis did not occur? If meiosis didn’t occur it would cause endangerment and extinction of species and life forms. Meiosis is an important process to continue all species that reproduce sexually. Meiosis allows sperm and egg to produce gametes which is the beginning of a baby. Without this process populations in all species  would be affected unless the species reproduces asexually. Reproducing asexually means that there is no fusion of gametes to create offspring. Asexual reproduction happens with one parent. It is common in bacteria, fungi, and plants. Part 2: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Matrix Complete the matrix. Use the following questions to aid in completion: What is the purpose of this pathway? Reactants: What does this reaction need to proceed? Products: What is produced because of the reaction? The role of ATP: Does it supply energy or store energy? Cellular respiration Photosynthesis Pathway Glycolysis Krebs cycle Electron transport Light-dependent reaction Light-independent reaction Purpose Break down one molecule of glucose into two molecules of pyruvate Part of a metabolic pathway involved in the chemical conversion of carbohydrates Mediating biochemical reactions that produce adenosine Triphosphate Provide energy for the light-independent reaction To make food and carbohydrates can be synthesized Where it takes place Cell cytoplasm Matrix of the mitochondrion Mitochondria Thylakoids Stroma Reactants ATP, NADH, Pyruvates, CO2, Coenzyme A, PGAL Acetyl CO-A, Oxaloacetate, Citrate, Alpha Ketoglutarate Hydrogen ions, Oxygen, NADH, FADH2 Light, water, ADP, NADP+ ATP, carbon dioxide, and NADPH Products H2O, NADH, ATP Carbon dioxide and ATP Water, ATP O2, ATP, NADPH ADP, NADP+,glucose The role of ATP Oxidizing glucose Finish oxidation of glucose and produce majority of NADH and the only FADH2 ETS accepts energy from carriers in the matrix and stores it to a form that can be used to phosphorylate ADP, Producing ATP for Energy Transports solar energy in the form of ATP to power other chemical reactions Uses ATP from ETC to convert CO2 into G3P. References Pruitt, N. L., Underwood, L. S. (2006). BioInquiry: Making connections in biology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Jacob Zuma Essay Example for Free

Jacob Zuma Essay But it was not easy for him to get this position. His father died at the end of World War 2. After his father death his mother took up employment as a domestic worker in Durban. He spent his childhood moving between Zululand and the suburbs of Durban and by the age 15 he took on odd jobs to supplement his mother’s income. Also he did not receive formal schooling. He learned to read and write properly in his late teens while serving as a young trade union activist. He became involved in politics at an early age and joined that African Notational congress in 1959. He became an active member of umkhonto we sizwe witch means (Spear of the nation) in 1962 following the banning of the ANC in 1960. While on his way out of the country in 1963 he was arrested with a group of 45 people recruits near zeerust by the northern west province. Convicted of conspiring to overthrow the government, he was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment, which he served on Robben Island. While in prison he was given to the chance to get more of an education. After his release Jacob Zuma helped mobilize internal resistance and was instrumental in the reestablishment of ANC underground structures in the then natal province thought out 1973-1975. He left South Africa in 1975and for the next 12 years, based in Swaziland and then Mow-zum-beek dealing with thousands of young exiles who poured out south Africa in the wake of Soweto uprising. HE lived in several African countries working for ANC, where he rose rapidly to become a member of the ANC National Executive committee in 1977. He also served as the Deputy Chief Representative of the Anc in Mow-zum-beek, post he occupied until the signing of the Nkomati Accord between the Mow-zum-bican and south African government in 1984. After the signing of the Accord, he was appointed as Chief Representative of the ANC and was one of the few who remained in Mow-zum-beek to carry out the work of the organization, crossing in and out of South Africa on a number of occasions. Jacob was forced to leave Mow-zum-beek in January 1987 after considerable pressure on the Mowzumbican government. HE moved to the ANC Head of office in Lusaka Zambia where he was appointed Head of underground structures and shortly thereafter chief of intelligence department. It’s a long way for a man to come considering his childhood and never having any formal education, having been in prison for 10 year. If he can overcome those odds than anybody should be able to become president.

Financial Management of Construction Accounting

Financial Management of Construction Accounting Questions: You are advising a client who is highly respected in the industry as visionary and entrepreneurial.   She is planning her next project, a mixed-use development (e.g. some residential units and two or three larger commercial buildings).   This is to be just outside a large city near you, where infrastructure/transport links are established and ready for the growth. She intends the commercial element to be attractive to large international businesses, perhaps as global or regional headquarters.   The local authorities are supportive of the development on the basis that your client has agreed to work with them to also develop a new hospital as part of the project. Write a letter of advice to the client outlining some options for funding the project, explaining why she should (or shouldnt) consider them as preferable.  Ã‚   If appropriate, you may suggest a combination of approaches. To: Subject: Project: I appreciate the opportunity to advise you regarding the available option for funding your project. I look forward to assisting you with this project and achieving your project objectives. I would like to draw your attention to the key financing options for the proposed project. It is important to remember that financing techniques/funding option constantly changed based on, for example, trends to equity participation by financiers as inflation of values occur, and also renewed interest in mortgages as property values fall. Therefore it is important to remember that a number of key decisions have to be made by those involved in arranging funding for this project. The Interest rates are likely to be lower on corporate borrowing than on project-based funding, this is mainly due to the broader basis of the security available in this option. Borrowing can also be in the form of an overdraft, loan or mortgage on the other hand, or by the issue of securities, such as a debenture or loan stock. These stocks or bonds can be tradable on the stock market. They normally tend to have a fixed rate of interest and fixed term of maturity which can at times be beneficial if the rates are to rise in the future. Banks may offer funding that are fixed or floating rates of interest for a specified period of time. The following facts are based on your written correspondence to me dated 12th June 2016. It is worth considering the answers to the questions below. What is to be the ratio of debt to equity in funding the project? Is the finance to be project based or is it to be corporate finance? What are the arrangements for refinancing the project? Will the debt be funded by traded securities or will it be a loan? What is the term of the loan or stock? What will be the security for loan stock or loan? Will a loan be fixed or floating rate? What will be the term of the loan? Other than that you have opportunity to deploy a consortium with a financial intuition.   These are named as joint ventures andsuch joint ventures arises when two or more parties act jointly to develop this mixed used development project. In these arrangements the participating institution will normally become the ultimate owner of the property. It is also worth noting here that joint ventures normally take the form of partnerships or joint venture (JV) companies. Highlighted below are some of the advantages of such JVs; Secure adequate finance, particularly equity; Can be   acquired expertise; Can be reduced risk of development; To enjoy off balance sheet financing, thereby reducing record debt; Meet the demands of foreign investors; I hope my advice has been beneficial to you in making a decision for funding your next project. I look forward to working with you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you have any questions or require further advice. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, References Steven J. Peterson (2012). Construction accounting and financial management. 2nd ed. -: Pearson Education Inc. Danny Myers (2008). Construction Economics a new approach. 2nd ed. -: Taylor and Francis.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Karl Marxs Theory of Surplus Labour Essay -- Politics Political Essay

Karl Marx's Theory of Surplus Labour For Marx surplus labour is the extra labour produced by a worker for his employer, to be put towards capital accumulation. The worker must do this work to keep his job but otherwise gains nothing by it. By helping the accumulation of capital he contributes to the cycle of mechanization and division of labour, which allow for fewer workers to do more work, thus adding to the competition between workers, and lowering their wages. Yet despite how it will contribute to a lessening of his earnings, the worker has no choice but to contribute surplus labour. If a man had the means of production and could work for himself producing what he needed or what he could trade for what he needs, then a man could stop when he has what he needs. If a man does not own the means of production and therefore cannot sell the product of his own labour then he must sell his labour power to someone who owns the means of production. He will be paid a wage. Marx makes it very clear that the wage is paid not for the labour, but for the labour-power, that is, the use of the worker for whatever set amount of time. Marx writes: "Labour-power, then, is a commodity, no more, no less so than is the sugar. The first is measured by the clock, the other by the scales." (1847. Wage-Labour and Capital. pg 3. All subsequent references will be marked by page number only.) The wage that the worker is paid will be somewhere around the subsistence wage – that is the wage necessary to keep the worker returning to the job the next day. While the subsistence wage for an individual worker can be just what is needed to keep the job position filled (not necessarily by the same person) the subsistence wage overall has to be enough th... ...ot the nature of the mechanical inventions or means of production themselves prevent them from bringing happiness, but the nature in which they are used as capital. Not all mechanical inventions or means of production are capital. Capital is a commodity or collection of commodities that are expected to produce more wealth. As Marx writes "Capital does not consists in the fact that accumulated labour serves living labour as a means for new production. It consists in the fact that living labour serves accumulated labour as the means of preserving and multiplying its exchange value." (11) Capital relies on surplus-labour to preserve and multiply it, even while, as explained above, the profits from the increased capital are constantly diminishing. Work Cited Marx, Karl. 1849. Wage-Labour and Capital. In Economics 314/English 351 Reading Package. Camrose: Augustana

Monday, August 19, 2019

John Howard Griffin :: Biography Biographies

John Howard Griffin The black man in the Deep South of America was greatly despised during the 1950’s. The world that the Negroes lived in was not the same as whites in their society. In this book, John Howard Griffin Sacrifices his life as a middle-class white man and becomes a dirt poor Negro, trying to survive in the South. He simply did all of this in order to bring out the truth about what it is really and truly like to be a Negro in the South during the 1950’s. John Howard Griffin is a white journalist with a wife and three children. He began his project of being a Negro, while he was reading a chart about suicide rates. This chart displayed that the Southern Negro man had a rapidly increasing rate of suicide, because they could not see a reason to go on as the second class citizens that they had become due to their skin color. The whites thought that the Negroes had it made since they had given them â€Å"so much† during reconstruction. Griffin realized that the only way to really see the truth about what the Negroes had to endure from day to day was to become a â€Å"Negro† himself. While Griffin was expecting prejudices against himself as a Negro, he went into his project with an open mind trying to discover the truth. He took note of all the prejudices of whites against and took in consideration any acts of kindness. Therefore Griffin’s journal was straightforward and unbiased. Griffin’s main goal in writing this journal was to break the gap between blacks and whites. He was not trying to totally offend whites, but aware them of their injustices towards the Negroes. The fact that he wrote his whole adventure as a journal clearly shows his intentions. He went into the world of the second class Negro, wrote a straight out account of every event that happened by writing a journal. Then the reader saw what his experience was like and believed it more so since it was in a journal setup instead of a story setup. The entire approach of Griffin’s research was ingenious, very creative, and even a bit daring. Not many people would like to experience that drastic change of lifestyle. However it was a very efficient way of discovering precisely what it was like to be a black man in the 1950’s.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Oedipus the King - The Character Transformations of Oedipus Essay

Oedipus the King - The Character Transformations of Oedipus Through the character of Oedipus, Sophocles shows the consequences of defying the divine order. Oedipus served Thebes as a great ruler, loved by his subjects; but, like most in the human race, he slipped through the cracks of perfection. Oedipus had many faults, but it was primarily the tragic flaw of hubris, arrogance from excessive pride, which doomed his existence, regardless of the character attributes that made him such a beloved king. He was doomed for downfall since his very beginning, because "to flee your fate is to rush to find it" (Oedipus Rex). Oedipus, throughout this work, seems more than a merely passive player lost in the hands of fate. He makes critical errors in judgment that set the events of the story into action. His pride and arrogance, blindness and ignorance, as well as foolishness and quick temper all play a part in the tragedy that befalls him. Oedipus's pride sets it all off; when a drunken man tells him that his father is not who he thinks, his pride is so wounded that he will not let the subject rest, eventually going to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi to find the truth. A less proud man may have not needed to visit the oracle, giving him no reason to leave Corinth in the first place (Segal, 121). It is impossible to speculate what may have happened to Oedipus had he stayed in Corinth, but it is the attempt to avoid his fate that dooms him not only to fulfill the prophesy, but to suffer yet greater consequences (Segal, 122). "I heard all that and ran. I abandoned Corinth, from that day on I gauged its landfall only by the stars, running, always running toward some place where I would never see the shame of ... were bold and daring, known for their intelligence and heroism. But they were also known for their arrogance and their "risk it all" attitudes. On one hand, they saw themselves as protectors of the city, while at the same time they were unable to defend themselves as individuals (Oedipus the King). Works Cited Bloom, Harold, ed. Sophocles. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. 54-57. Oedipus Rex. 25 February 2003. Oedipus the King. 26 February 2003. Segal, Charles. Tragedy and Civilization: an interpretation of Sophocles. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c.1999. 121-122. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Norton Anthology World Masterpieces. Ed. Sarah Lawall. New York: Norton, 1984. 599-639.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Reflective Essay on Communication

I am a health care assistant (HCA) on an elderly care surgical ward and we nurse many different patients who have had elective surgery and corrective surgery after a trauma. I have a lot of contact with patients who suffer with dementia, ongoing confusion due to urinary tract infections and can often display challenging and aggressive behavior.I have found on a daily basis that patients become can frustrated when they cannot communicate what they want, and I was sure that with my strong accent I would come across as harsh. This left me feeling worried and sometimes inadequate because it is in my job and personal nature to want to help those in my care. As part of my Personal Assessment Document (PAD) my mentor and I decided that I would I would push myself to speak with patients more and see how they reacted to me. I would read the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s purple à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“This is meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  folder to try and engage them on a more personal level.With this reflective ac count I will be discussing an experience that I had on my ward and how through reflection I have managed to gain more confidence in my ability to talk to my patients and convey my compassion in the way I communicate with the patients in my care.I will use the reflective framework devised by Atkin and Murphy (1994) to construct this account. It is the right model of reflection for me to look back and learn from my experiences.Personally, being a good student and health carer does not just come with reflection in the mind but also reflective practice which, according to the nursing standard à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“enables a student to develop their skills, increase their knowledge and deal with emotionally challenging situationsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (RCN 2012). Reflection is something that should be engaged with on an everyday basis and from very early on in your health care career. It enables you to carry on caring about the patients you treat and how to improve yourself personally and professiona lly.I enjoy both the personal rewards and the challenges that go hand in hand with working with patients with dementia. I find that on the drive home I tend re-evaluate everything in my life and be grateful for the now. A patient whom will go by the pseudonym of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Pollyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  to maintain her confidentiality (The NMC Code of professional Conduct, 2004) was admitted to the ward with a fracture to the neck of her femur.I was advised that the patient was very confused, and would spit at staff and be both physically and verbally aggressive when approached but would constantly cry out that she needed help. She was in the early to middle stages of Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s disease and had come from a care home for those suffering with dementia. Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s disease is characterised à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“by the loss of short term memory, deterioration in both behaviour and intellectual performance and slowness of thoughtà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Dictionary of Nurs ing 1998).In handover that morning I found that I would be working with her that day, and as she was post operative I would need to wash her and try to mobilise her to sit out in her chair so that the physiotherapists could help her to walk again and get her on the pathway to being discharged back to her care home. I found that I was nervous in approaching this patient as I did not want to upset her or get hurt. Personally I would always wake patients like Polly who require the attention of more than one member of staff last as it is better to leave the patient to sleep so that they are well rested. That, and from handover I had learned that Polly had experienced a rather active night.Before waking Polly I had read her personal à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“This is meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  purple file to find out if she had any preferred names, and how she liked to be spoken too. This is me was devised by the Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s society and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“is intended to provide professionals w ith information about the person with dementia as an individual. This will enhance the care and support given while the person is in an unfamiliar environmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“(Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"s society 2011). With this information I could help maintain a similar routine for Polly and I would not confuse her by overloading her with too many questions and instructions.I woke Polly up gently, and sat myself down in the chair by her bed so that I was not standing over her. I spent almost thirty minutes with Polly getting her up and ready, the patient did not get upset or frustrated with me, and  she was able to do most of the washing and dressing herself with help from me. Once this was completed I handed over to physiotherapists that they too should take this approach with Polly.I spent twelve days in total with Polly. In this time she was aggressive with me, and she would spit at me when I approached her. Yet, once I used her preferred name and tailored my approach to what sh e needed from me, I found that Polly was a pleasant and wonderful lady, who could be the complete opposite to the patient that was first handed over to me that first morning.Morris and Morris state that the symptoms of dementia are experienced by each person in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“their own unique wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (2010) and this is reinforced by the publication of the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“this is meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  leaflet. It enables staff to really look at each individual patient and assess what their needs are. In reflection, if I had not read this leaflet and just gone ahead and woke Polly up as I do each patient, the events of the day could have taken a very different path. I found that by talking to Polly as requested in her leaflet that she reacted in a calmer manner and did not get as anxious or frustrated as quickly as my colleagues had prepared me to think.Reflecting over my first day with Polly, I do not remember struggling to say my words more clearly than what I normally would have done. Polly was not deaf, nor was she a child and I kept it in my mind that this patient was still a scared lady who had broken a big part of her body and was in a large amount of pain. Furthermore, she might not be able to communicate this fact as clearly as someone without dementia.Hobson states that, the HCA will need to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“learn to adapt how they attempt to understand what the person is saying to themà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  and that this can only be achieved by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“entering the same world as the person with dementiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (2012, P337). At times Polly would pretend to cry like a child and repeat the words à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Oh Mummy, mum, mum. Oh Mummyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  but not be able to give an answer when questioned what was wrong and how could we help her. Taking this into consideration, Polly might not be actually asking for her Mum but actually trying to communicate a much deeper need.My understanding of how patients with dementia communicate lead me to point to Pollyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hip and ask her if she felt pain there when she moved, to which she replied yes she did. In reflection I found this was a much better approach rather than just asking if Polly wanted any pain relief. Elkins has stated that asking the patient with dementia a direct question is almost a waste of time, as the patient does not have the information to give you. Instead it is more beneficial for the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s sense of self worth to ask them a question with an optional answer of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“yesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  or à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“noà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . It could also be said that a statement rather than a question is better because it leaves the patient feeling more in control (2011).From this experience, I suggested to the nurses that when doing their drug round that they should lower themselves down to Pollyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s eye level and ask her if her hip hurt her, rather than standing at the end of her bed or beside her asking if she wanted any pain relief. This suggestion meant that Polly had more regular pain relief, and as a team we knew when she was in pain.Furthermore, this information could be added to her file and become part of Pollyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s future care pathway. Elkins raised the very same argument that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“once an effective communication bridge had been achieved, the individual is much more like to remain calm and anxiety freeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  This would show that dialogue between patient and healthcare professional had been greatly improved and would continue to do so in the future (2011).In reflection, I have found that I was so focused on the need to be understood through my use of English that at times I under-estimated the importance of non-verbal communication. Now, having taken a step back I see that I am almost in the same boat as the patient suffering with dementia, we are both just à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“an individual attempting to communicateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Hobson, 2012) a nd as a HCA the method of employing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“feelings and emotionsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  should become more à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“significant than the spoken wordà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Hobson, 2012).Although my confidence in speaking to patients is always growing, I am more appreciative of how much more effective my body language, and the tone of my voice can be when communicating with a patient with dementia. Yes, looking after these patients can be a challenge but getting past the dementia and working in ways that compliment the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mindset will be of more  benefit to the patient. By spending some time reading each patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s information leaflet I am able to help maintain a patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s well being and create a more anxiety free environment for our patients.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Designer Babies Essay

My interest in designer babies was first sparked by a book I was required to read in high school, Brave New World. For my class I was required to do a little research on this book, and as I was searching the Internet I came across a website on designer babies. Although Brave New World is not a book about designer babies, the altering of human genes described in the book is a concept very similar to designer babies. The possibility of a society made up of genetically altered humans, such as the one in this book, is becoming very real with the help of advancements in technology. In vision one day you and your significant other are going to the doctor because you are planning to have a baby, but you are not going to the doctor for a check up. You are going to pick out the sex, characteristic traits, and physical features (eye color, hair color skin color, etc.) of your baby. Crazy right? To think, one day we will have the technology and resources to do this. Although this topic of †Å"designing your baby† is fairly new and the science has not been perfected, it is a very big possibility in our near future. The issue with this technology is whether it should be allowed or not. Parents always want the very best for their children, but my morals lead me to believe that parents should not be allowed to alter their children in this way. In this exploratory essay I hope to find solid and specific information to help me decide my stance on this question: Should parents be allowed to design what their children look like? In English 2000 we were introduced to online search engines that could be used to find information on our topics. The search engine I found the most handy was the EBCO Host website. This site lead me to many resourceful articles that truly helped me better understand the topic of designer babies. The first resource I came across is titled Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged or Consumer Options? By Stephen L. Baird, technology education teacher at Bayside Middle School, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Baird describes how journalists are the ones who have coined the term â€Å"Designer Babies†. He goes onto to explain that this term is simply a shortened phrase that represents certain reproductive technologies that allow expecting parents to have more control on the birth outcomes of their child (15). Read Also:  Exploratory Essay Topics In vitro  fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are two procedures of genetic engineering that are described through specific cases throughout this document. â€Å"Almost three decades ago, on July 25, 1978, Louise Brown, the first â€Å"test-tube baby† was born. The world’s first â€Å"test-tube† baby arrived amid a storm of protest and hand-wringing about science gone amok, human animal hybrids, and the rebirth of eugenics† (Baird 12). This â€Å"test-tube† case is the first case explained by Baird. The purpose for this example case is to describe how using the in vitro fertilization reproductive technique is not necessarily a bad thing. Although many voices of the public spoke against Brown, the â€Å"test-tube† baby, she was born as a completely normal human child. This is just one of the multiple cases that show the views and opinions of the public. Baird captures the various arguments against designer babies and arguments for designer babies. Some people share the opinion that there is nothing wrong with designer babies because they assist in preventing particular genetic diseases and reduce the emotional and financial burden for parents of children with these altered genetic diseases (Baird 15). On the other hand, certain people feel strongly against designer babies because creating â€Å"perfect† children could evolve into changes in the physical appearance of the children before they are even born (Baird 15). Baird’s document on designer babies was very informative in a way that helped me better understand the different sides of the argument on designer babies. I also felt as if this source gave me a better understanding on the basics of this topic such as the medical terms and procedures. Baird’s work could be very enlightening for individuals who do not have a complete understanding of what it means to be a designer baby. For example, before reading this I simply assumed designer babies were meant for physical alterations, and did not consider it to be beneficial to health alterations such as preventing genetic diseases. This paper did not hinder me to be for or against designer babies because I received equal information on both sides of the issue. My second source, Designing Babies: What the Future Holds, came from the same search engine as the previous article. This article was written by Dr.  Yury Verlinsky, graduate, postgraduate and PhD of Kharkov University. Verlinsky goes into detail about the different meanings the public has of designer babies. His definitions of designer babies include the sex of a child being chosen, testing embryos for unwanted disorders and diseases, or for cosmetic reasons (24). Verlinsky goes through the multiple views on the advantages and disadvantages of allowing parents to use the technology to create designer babies. One particular advantage of designer babies, pointed out by Verlinsky, that caught my attention was, â€Å"insurance companies, for example, may refuse to cover newborn malformations that could have been corrected before implantation† (25). This goes to show how people may be economically pressured into the technologies of designer babies. I found that this particular a rticle had a lot of the same factual information as the previous article. Certain ideas from the two articles stuck out in similar ways. Even some of the same phrases were repeated in both articles that I have come across. Although there were similarities, this article also brought some new ideas to my attention. The first article contained many real life cases while this article used many hypothetical possibilities. Some of the hypothetical possibilities were a little out of the box, but they really got me to think about the circumstances that the designer baby technology could lead to. Finally my third source, also coming from the same search engine, is A Brave New World of Designer Babies By Sonia Suter. This particular article goes in depth about the similarities and differences of the eugenics and neoeugenics movements. As stated by Suter, the eugenics movement can be explained as â€Å"the mission to reduce disease in the population, the efforts to protect the public fisc, and the goal of reducing suffering. What makes â€Å"eugenics† such a complex term is that its practitioners were well intentioned and it meant different things to different people† (900). Suter also explains the meaning of neoeugenics, â€Å"Neoeugenics strives towards â€Å"good birth† at the individual, rather than state level† (900). When Suter says at the individual level, he is referring to the fact that designing babies is an individual procedure that is a voluntary choice of the parent. In Suter’s mission to analyze the meaning of neoeugenics he brin gs us as far back to the times of eugenics brought about by Hitler. Hitler was responsible for a  mass genocide of individuals that did not fit his mold of the perfect human. In a way this is similar to the purpose of using gene alterations to make your designer baby. Suter describes how the main difference between eugenics and neoeugenics is the severity of the two (948). Suter states â€Å"neoeugenics appears less threatening than eugenics† (948). In the world we live in today we always want what is best for our offspring and ourselves. Suter explains, that those who disagree with designer babies could very possibly fall under the pressures of taking part in these sciences because they do not want their own children to be disadvantaged to the ones that chose to use these technological advances (965). I found that my final article gave me the most information about the perspectives people have on designer babies. Since the study of designer babies is fairly new, I like how this document uses something from the past to help me relate it to something. This article really went in depth about the positives and negatives of designer babies. Some people are certain that using designer baby technology can help prevent diseases, while others are absolutely opposed to it. These articles have tremendously improved my understanding of designer babies. I was not aware of how truly in depth this term goes. As of now, I would not say I have a solid stance on the question I proposed at the beginning of my essay; should parents be allowed to design their babies? There are just so many different things that this term means and many different sides of the argument. I do not believe that this is a straightforward yes or no question. This is a complex issue that I need to do more research on. At this point, I do not think there is a problem with parents wanting to protect their children and prevent diseases their child is susceptible to in the future, but to physically and characteristically alter a child based on how you want your child to look and act is something I still feel is not something humans should be able to control. Works Cited Baird, Stephen L. â€Å"Designer Babies: Eugenics Repackaged Or Consumer Options? (Cover Story).† Technology Teacher 66.7 (2007): 12-16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Feb. 2014. Damiano, Laura. â€Å"When Parents Can Choose To Have The ‘Perfect’ Child: Why Fertility Clinics Should Be Required To Report Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Data.† Family Court Review 49.4 (2011): 846-859. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Feb. 2014. Schenker, Joseph G. Ethical Dilemmas In Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 6 Feb. 2014. Suter, Sonia M. â€Å"A Brave New World Of Designer Babies?.† Berkeley Technology Law Journal 22.2 (2007): 897-969. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Feb. 2014 Verlinsky, Yury. â€Å"Designing Babies: What The Future Holds.† Reproductive Biomedicine Online (Reproductive Healthcare Limited) 10.(2005): 24-26. Academic Search Complete. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Odyssey and Brother Essay

Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between Homeris classic epic and iO Brother Where Art Thou? The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a comparable perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch goddess Circe. The Cyclops encounter is transcendent between both works. The Cyclops, in the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i has obvious physical traits that connect the two pieces of work. The Cyclops in each story is a large man, who only has one eye. One website describe the Cyclopes race as, ia rough and uncivilized race of one-eyed giants. i(Spark notes p1) Odysseus describe the giant as, i A prodigious man who slept in his cave alone, and took his flocks to graze afield—remote from all companions, knowing none but savage ways, a brute so huge. i(Wilkie p378) The encounter of the Cyclops shows a great similarity in both of these stories. Odysseus, the main character of the iOdysseyi and Ulysses, the main character of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are taken from of state of tranquility and savagely attacked. As described by Odysseus, iSo there all day, until the sun went down, we made our feast on meat galore, and wine. i(p 377) This quote describes Odysseus and his men relaxing and enjoying a feast. Quite similar in iO Brother Where Art Thou,i Ulysses was enjoying a picnic when the savage Cyclops attacked him. When Ulysses and Odysseus were about to enjoy a peaceful day they are overtaken by the Cyclops either imprisoned or robbed. Both Ulysses and Odysseus mentality of a warrior allows them to fight back and eventually defeat the Cyclops. In each story an attempt to blind the creature offers a distraction for each character to escape from the Cyclops. Secondly, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Easters. When you eat the intoxicating fruit of the lotus, as described in the Odyssey, the thought of home, purpose of voyage, and memories of the past are no longer important. Odysseus and his men arrive at the land of the Lotus-Eaters and become addicted and drawn to the fruit. They are so leered to the fruit, that it becomes a mindless obsession. iO Brother, Where Art Thou? becomes parallel to the story of the Lotus-Eaters when Ulysses and his men are baptized. Websteris dictionary defines baptism as, ithe Christian sacrament of sin and spiritual rebirth as a Christian. i Both the iOdysseyi and iO Brother Where Art Thou? i describe a rebirth and new thinking. The things of the past are no longer important. Rebirth of the soul and becoming filled with the spirit are identical to the intoxication of the f ruit. Therefore, the producers of iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i are describing baptisms as a new beginning and new thought, then comparing it to the lotus eaters of the iOdyssey. i Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. This parallel is the strongest element of comparison because it is very similar how each story describes the Sirens. Odysseus is told in the iOdyssey,i iSquare in your shipis path are the Sirens, crying beauty to bewitch men coasting by. i (p 421) Both Ulysses and Odysseus use wax to avoid the Sirens. Ulysses hair smelling of wax, (hair wax) and Odysseus instructing his men to put wax in their ears is enough to avoid the Sirens seductive song in each story. Avoiding the Sirens allows both Ulysses and Odysseus to continue on their purpose of journey, to get home. Another striking similarity is the witch goddess of Circe. In the iOdyssey,i Circe turns one of Odysseus men into a pig. Parallel to the Homeric epic, one of Ulysses men was supposedly turned into a frog. These two strong parallels sum up an obvious influence of Homeric work in iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The movie iO Brother Where Art Thou? i is strikingly similar to Homeris iOdyssey,i in both plot and character description. Specifically, three parallels surface in the discussion of the similarities between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i The Cyclops encounter for instance, is transcendent between both works. Furthermore, each story contains a similar perspective of the Lotus Eaters. Finally, the strongest parallel between the iOdysseyi and iO Brother, Where Art Thou? i is the mystical call of the Sirens and the powers of the witch-goddess Circe. Thus, we find the modern film depiction of the trouble of a man during the depression is being shaped by the ancient struggles of Odysseus in Homeris iOdyssey. i

Myths America Lives by

Pardeep Kullar Myths America Lives By The American Creed is spoken through myths that tell of the meaning and purpose of our country. These myths testify to the love and patriotism that we have for America. Each epoch had its own myth that it lived by in creating the American Creed that justified the existence and action of our nation. Based on the cynical response, if a collective group of Americans detested to the stories that hold America together and concluded that they were false, our nation would be in danger at that point.The problems that exist in America would take the forefront and question the existence of our country. The absolutist response, on the other hand, claims to the righteousness of America and supports the actions pursued by our nation in tumultuous times. Although the absolutist response tries to affirm the American creed, it undermines it at the same time. The Myth of the Chosen People first emerged amongst the Puritans in the colonial period. It basically sta ted for people to love each other with a brotherly love and to take on one another’s burdens.In time, this myth changed from â€Å"chosen for the good of the neighbor† to chosen by God for â€Å"special privileges in the world†. The Myth of Nature’s Nation emerged during the Revolutionary Era. It basically claimed that humans had unalienable rights. But in order to justify the oppression that existed in American culture in the nineteenth century was affirmed by claiming that nature did not include Native Americans or Blacks. They Myth of the Christian Nation was created through the Second Great Awakening. It emphasized to keep behavior in line with the teachings of Christ.But this myth quickly embedded the myth of the chosen people and the myth of nature’s nation into it, so that even Christ’s teachings gave special privileges and rights to only certain selected Americans. The Myth of the Millennial Nation emerged during the early national p eriod. Americans believed that America would lead the world into an age of freedom. This myth too has been absolutized. Americans believe that they are pushing the world towards freedom by forcing others to be free by actively engaging in war. The Myth of the Innocent Nation came into being in the twentieth century.It is rooted in all the other myths, making it very powerful. This myth is grounded in disillusion and tells no truth in its story. After the World Wars, Americans believe that because they had faced great evil, they were righteous and innocent in all of their acts. Although America’s involvement in Vietnam, made the claim to innocence very questionable, they myth prevailed and is stronger now than ever since the 9/11 attacks on America. So once again, America’s interference in the Middle East is perceived as one of innocence.The African American perspective is included to critique the myths America lives by as it shows the other side of the coin. Because Af rican American experience was very different from the White American experience, it adds a component of truth to the myths that is nonexistent from the other perspective alone. Although African Americans express a different perspective, they also express a validity and hopefulness in the American Creed that they wish will one day be carried out to its truest measures.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Anna Arnold Hedgeman

This paper takes a look at the life and achievements of civil rights protagonist, Anna Arnold Hedgeman. This paper focuses on the life and accomplishments of humanist Anna Arnold Hedgeman. Details about her achievements as a mentor and civil rights leader are provided. The main idea of the paper focuses on race relations among African-Americans and the civil rights movement. Anna Arnold Hedgeman was born on July 5, 1899, in Marshalltown, Iowa.She was one of five children born, her father being a son of slaves.Hedgeman was well educated, for she attended high school in St. Paul, Minnesota, and later received a degree in English from the Methodist college of Hamline University.Growing up, Hedgeman became a very articulate, outspoken person.Throughout college, she grew very interested in the social injustices and racial inequality of African-Americans.In the ensuing decades of her life, Hedgeman devoted all of her time and energy to assisting many organizations and administrations that were intent on fighting for the rights of workers and for the better welfare of humanity. She acted as a teacher, consultant, and lecturer to these various groups, and eventually she owned her own consulting firm, Hedgeman Consulting Services.The focus of this paper will be to show how Anna Arnold Hedgemans concern for national and global equality led to her eventual involvement in the Civil Rights Movement and the March on Washington.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Service learning and high school diploma Research Paper

Service learning and high school diploma - Research Paper Example Service learning and high school diploma Service learning wouldn’t benefit the students’ education. Indeed, many students would be unable to volunteer in their field. This negates any argument that service learning would help the students’ education†. The above argument is also illogical. The aim of education is to prepare the children to meet all sorts of life challenges effectively in future. In other words, it is ridiculous to argue that a science student should get practical experiences only in science topics. It should be noted that for conducting a successful future personal, professional and social life, he should acquire all sorts of knowledge even if he is specifically studying the science or arts during his school days. Service Learning programs must have specific goals in mind, and a system to support them. It should connect community services to the learning goals. In some cases, people develop service mentality because of genetic reasons. However, genetic reasons alone may not help a student to acquire service mentality. Suitable environment will help the students to develop more service mentality. In order to develop the suitable environment for service learning, planning and preparations are necessary. To conclude, service learning should be made mandatory in order to prepare the students better equipped for meeting the life challenges in future. Theoretical contents learned from the classrooms will become meaningful only when the students were able to apply it in the practical context. Service learning will help the students in doing so and therefore service learning should be made compulsory to earn a high school diploma. ... In their opinion school is a place in which learning should take place rather than servicing. However, such people have forgotten to realise the fact that learning by doing is the most efficient method of the learning process. Students may get lot of contents from their text books; however they will never realise the importance of such contents in the absence of practice. For example, students may learn more about Mother Teresa and her contributions from text books. But only those who take part in the community servicing will learn more about the depth, breadth and greatness of Mother’s services. According to Jonathan Sims, the student representative of Maryland state board of education, â€Å"students who are forced to community work may view the work as something to get out of the way and they will become clock watchers† (Morris, p. 4). The above arguments seem to be meaningless. In my opinion, when planned properly, service learning allows students to utilize their c lassroom learning, and use it in a real life situation.  It is difficult to create a wall between education and servicing. In fact the ultimate aim of education is servicing. Whatever the knowledge acquired by a student while learning, becomes meaningful only when he applies it in his personal, professional and social life. In other words, service learning will help the students to apply their knowledge learned from the classrooms. According to Ron Peiffer, Director of communication and special projects at Maryland state department of education, â€Å"when opponents argue that we cannot mandate volunteerism, they are ignoring the basic goal of required service programs ie, education† (Morris, p. 4). â€Å"Training throughout the mentoring experience would have helped to make

Monday, August 12, 2019

Discrimination in hispanic business Research Paper - 1

Discrimination in hispanic business - Research Paper Example The majority of the Hispanic business owners underline that employees in their companies are lacking of management skills. There is no essential source of financing directed on employees skills development. On the one hand, it is rather effective to promote Hispanic business in case of employees are of Hispanic origin, because very often non-Hispanics are not hired as a major part of employees. Hispanic business owners are prevented from private and public market options. A great number of respondents agree upon the fact that the government does not give them an equal opportunity for business development and promotion. There are many cases, when Hispanic business owners were oppressed and discriminated. One of the main examples is the following: "Latino business owners in Queens have complained that they feel discriminated against by Community Board 3 when they apply for licenses to sell alcohol" (Medina, 2012). There is a clear rejection in license because of business owners Hispanic origin. Palagauchi accuses government of racial prejudices. He underlines that Hispanic business owners know English and they can be good specialists, but they can find no help. The government remains silent. Other businessmen of Hispanic origin underlined that a hostile mood, an aggressive behavior, total prejudice and abuse were experienced by them in the process of documents collecting and applying for alcohol trade license. Very often people in different business fields are complaining about a cruel attitude. It is necessary to introduce new perspectives and the new waves of immigrants of Hispanic origin to America are also looking forward to finding new ways of personal realization of business goals. On the one hand, America is a big country and there are many different options for realization of goals of these people. As a matter of fact, ethnic minorities are exposed to

Sunday, August 11, 2019

To what extent is it sustainable for countries to rely on the export Essay

To what extent is it sustainable for countries to rely on the export of manufactured goods to generate economic growth - Essay Example According to the export-led growth hypothesis (ELGH), it is not only through increased application of labour and capital that overall growth of the national economies is possible but this can also be done through raising the levels of exports. According to the proponents of ELGH, exports can serve as an â€Å"engine of growth.† (Smith, 2001, p. 1) This theory of export-led growth has ample practical support from various countries, especially the developing countries. In recent times, trade policies of many developing nations have indeed become similar as the common believe has been that liberalization aimed at promoting exports is the panacea for all growth ills. Many unsuccessful cases of import substitution, led to trade policy shift to export promotion. The success stories of East Asian nations such as Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea with respect to manufacturing exports have inspired others to emulate the policy of export promotion even for themselves. However , in recent times the strategy of export-led growth has received a severe drubbing as the Japanese and South Korean manufacturing export-led growth have cooled down. A major global recession would certainly cause difficulties for unhindered growth of these export-led nations. This crisis-driven slump in exports have in many countries has accentuated the significance of generating more domestic demand. The theoretical link between economic growth and trade is centuries old. The earliest proponent of the positive relationship between trade and economic growth is the classical economist Adam Smith. Subsequently, other classical economists such as James Mills, John Stuart Mill, Ricardo and Torrens improved upon the theory of Smith. Since then, the positive impact of trade on the economy has been well established through indisputable benefits of international specialization and productivity gain. In this context, Ibrahim (2002)

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Assess the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Essay

Assess the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Wales. To what extent does the common law doctrine of bindi - Essay Example The court system is a hierarchical structure that begins from the bottom at the County Courts and Magistrate Courts, the High Court and Crown Court, the Court of Appeal, and the highest court which is the Supreme Court (Jones, 2011). The hierarchical structure serves two fundamental purposes. First, it enables the formation of a lineage of consistent and uniform decisions through the binding system of judicial precedent, which requires judges at lower courts to consider and follow decisions of judges at higher courts in making their judgements. Second, it enables defendants to appeal against decisions made at lower courts by forwarding their appeals to higher courts. This paper discusses the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Wales, and the extent to which it engages with the common law doctrine of binding precedents. The Structure of the Court System in England and Wales The court system in England and Wales is hierarchical in structure (Jones, 2011). This â⠂¬Å"means that certain courts are superior to other courts† (Jones, 2011, p. 17). The lowest courts, which are the County and Magistrate Courts, try civil and criminal cases that are not too serious respectively. At the second rank are the Crown Court and the High Court. The Crown Court tries criminal cases, while the High Court tries civil cases with a limited scope over criminal cases. This rank is followed by the Court of Appeal. This court hears appeals from both civil and criminal cases that have been tried at lower levels be it at Magistrate or County Courts, Crown Court or the High Court. At the highest tier of the system is the Supreme Court. This court is the ultimate appellate court and hears appeals for both civil and criminal cases (Jones, 2011). In this structure, Magistrate and County Courts are regarded as inferior courts, while the rest of the courts are regarded as superior courts (Jones, 2011). The courts in the hierarchy follow the doctrine of binding preced ent, and this can be seen from the way cases are handled between lower and higher courts. The following diagram shows the structure of the English court system: Cited in Jones, 2011, p. 17 Magistrate Courts Magistrate Courts are located at the bottom of the hierarchy. Within England and Wales, there are about 1500 Magistrate Courts (Jones, 2011). They are a crucial component of the criminal justice system, as they deal with cases that are criminal in nature. Magistrate Courts have three lay magistrates who hear the cases brought before the court and rely on the counsel of a Clerk, who is legally qualified in providing advice on the law, to make decisions regarding procedure and sentencing (Jones, 2011). The jurisdiction of a Magistrate Court in a criminal trial depends on the nature of the offence, often its seriousness. This is the yardstick used to determine whether a case should be heard at the Magistrate Court or Crown Court. When a case before the magistrate court is too seriou s, or when the sentence that the magistrates need to impose needs to be sufficiently severe, the case is forwarded to the Crown Court. County Courts County Courts also lie at the bottom of the hierarchy. There are approximately 220 County Courts in England and Wales, which deal with cases involving civil disputes (Jones, 2011). The bench of a County Court comprises of a Circuit Judge who hears more